Usage of Mexidol in patients with dystrophic diseases of posterior eye segment

Department of Ophthalmology, GOU VPO Russian State Medical University of Roszdrav Municipal Clinical Hospital 15, named after Filatov

Purpose: to evaluate the efficacy of Mexidol in patients with glaucomatous optic neuropathy. Materials and methods: 139 patients with glaucomatous optic neuropathy were divided into 3 groups: 45 patients received Mexidol, 46 – combined treatment by Mexidol, Treantal, Kavinton and Solcoseryl, 48 – were included in the control group. Examination was carried out before treatment and in 10 days after the beginning: evaluation of visual acuity, retinal light sensitivity, perimetry, retinotomography. Results: Visual acuity increased by 0.05–0.2 in 41 patients of the first group. Average peripheral visual field enlarging by 60–110 degrees was found in 35 patients. In 38 patients light sensitivity of the retina improved
by 3–5.9. In the second group improvement of visual acuity was detected in 39 subjects by 0.05–0.3, peripheral field enlargement– by 80–140 degrees in 41 patients and light sensitivity by 4.71 – in 42 patients.

Conclusion: Combined treatment including Mexidol allows achieving better results in treatment of patients with glaucomatous optic neuropathy.

Neuron specific enolase as a measure of the efficacy of mexidol in patients with neurologic complications of primary hypothyroidism

Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University, Saratov

Objective. To evaluate the activity of neuron specific enolase (NSE) in patients with primary hypothyroidism (PGT) treated with mexidol. Material and methods. Patients with PGT (n=110) were examined before and after treatment. Neuropsychological and neurological status of the patients was studied. To assess the status of the peripheral nervous system, electroneuromyography was performed and serum NSE level was determined. Results and conclusion. The NSE activity depended on gender, age of the patient, duration of endocrinopathy and presence/absence of neurological symptoms. The clear positive dynamics of the majority of the parameters studied was noted during mexidol treatment. The efficacy of antioxidant therapy in these patients was confirmed.

Keywords: neurological complications, primary hypothyroidism, neuron specific enolase, electroneuromyography, mexidol.

Cerebrovascular diseases: perspectives of pathogenetic metabolic correction treatment

Research Centre of Neurology, Moscow, Russia

Metabolic syndrome is a serious risk factor for acute and chronic cerebrovascular disease, which are a leading cause of disabling conditions. The association of proatherogenic effects of the main components of metabolic syndrome - hyperinsulinemia, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia and obesity - leads to prominent haemorheological and hemostasis changes, which in turn play a pivotal role in the initiation, course and outcome of cerebrovascular pathology. Metabolic syndrome also influences the efficacy of the main pathogenetic therapy of cerebrovascular diseases — antithrombotic therapy. Thus, primary and secondary prevention of cerebrovascular disease in patients with metabolic syndrome should include haemangiocorrective, antithrombotic, antioxidant and endothelium-protective treatment, as well as therapy of the main components of metabolic syndrome.

Keywords: cerebrovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, haemorheology and haemostasis, antithrombotic therapy, antioxidants.

Specific features of neurological complications developing in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome: Possibility for correction and prevention

Center for Speech Pathology and Neurorehabilitation, Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russia

The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and preceding metabolic disturbances has reached epidemic proportions. Oxidative stress plays a significant role in the development of micro- and macrovascular complications in patients with DM. The accumulation of free radicals is responsible for the development of systemic and vascular inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, and hypercoagulable and ischemic states. Since vascular and nervous system damages do not level off even under adequate glycemic control, there is a need for complex pathogenetic treatment strategies. Antioxidant therapy using mexidol is one of the compulsory components of combination therapy for complications of DM.

Keywords: type 2 diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, oxidative stress, mexidol.

Cognitive impairments as a universal clinical syndrome in a therapist’s practice

Center for Speech Pathology and Neurorehabilitation, Moscow Healthcare Department, Russia

The problem of cognitive dysfunctions in patients with somatic diseases occupies a prominent place now since they are one of the most common manifestations of organic brain lesions. The early detection of potentially cured cognitive impairments is one of the important tasks of a present-day therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, and family doctor as the patients with early-stage cognitive impairments constitute the majority of those who have sought medical advice. In the modern world, primary health care physicians’ actions are decisive in predicting the development of dementia since the detection of early non-dementia forms of cognitive impairments and neuroprotective therapy with mexidol in particular are frequently quite sufficient to considerably reduce the degree of the impairments and to improve the prognosis of dementia.

Keywords: cognitive impairments, dementia, mexidol.

Neuroprotection in hypertensive patients: Minimization of poor prognosis

Center for Speech Pathology and Neurorehabilitation, Moscow

The paper discusses approaches to optimizing pharmacotherapy in patients with hypertension associated with cerebrovascular diseases. Possible indications for neuroprotectors and a pathogenetic rationale for their mechanism of action in patients with prior cerebral stroke are detailed.

Keywords: cerebral stroke, hypertension, neuroprotection.

Neuroprotection of cerebral accidents in ambulance phase

Voronezh State Medical University n. a. N. N. Burdenko, Voronezh, Russia

Relevance. Neuroprotection is a required component of intensive therapy of cerebral catastrophes on pre-hospital and hospital phases of care. The purpose of the study. Identification features and the effect of neuroprotection of different cerebral accidents. Materials and methods. For determination the level of knowledge and practical skills of neuroprotection of different cerebral accidents were conduct an anonymous voluntary questioning doctors Voronezh city ambulance station. The effectiveness of the use of neuroprotection of cerebral accidents was study by special protocols in practice on Voronezh ambulance station. The results. More good theoretical training believe 75 % doctors. Using mexidolum in complex intensive therapy on the prehospital neuroprotection of cerebral accidents has expressed a positive clinical effect.

Keywords: cerebral accident, neuroprotection, ambulance.

Oxidative stress and its pharmacological correction mexidol in traumatic brain injury

State budget institution of higher professional education «Omsk State Medical Academy» of Ministry for health care of Russia, Omsk, Russia

Abstract. Examined and treated 114 patients with isolated severe head injury at the age of 18 to 55 years. Group I included 61 patients who survived, in group II — 53 patients who died on the 3–15th day post-traumatic period. Patients I and II groups had complex intensive therapy according to existing protocols. 15 patients (subgroup I1) was prepared in the complex therapy meksidol 1200 mg per day for 7–10 days. Against the background of mexidol decreased intensity of lipid peroxidation, maintained at a sufficient level power antioxidant defense system cells, there was an earlier resolution of post-traumatic encephalopathy and recovery of consciousness. The treatment mexidol noted more favorable during the early post-traumatic period, a reduction of complications (χ2=55,4; p<0,0001) — syndrome of acute lung injury, disseminated intravascular coagulation, acute cardiovascular failure, and pneumonia.

Keywords: traumatic brain injury, oxidative stress, mexidol.

Contemporary aspects of diagnostics and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder in patients with brain injury

State Pediatric Medical Academy, St. Petersburg

Abstract. Thirty four patients (14 females and 20 males, 18 to 44 years old) with a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after mild brain injury were under observation. To perform scoring of cognitive functions and severity of anxious state, appropriate specific scales - Mini-Mental State examination – MMSE and Covi anxiety scale were employed. Levels of patients’ recovery motivation for their own disease were assessed with a special questionnaire (Recovery Locus of Control). Cognitive functions were decreased, showing mild to moderate disorders in patients with PTSD after brain injury. The levels of motivation for recovery from own disorder proved to be significantly decreased, and an inverse correlation was found between this parameter, and a degree of anxious condition in these patients. Treatment of the patients with Mexidolum improved cognitive functions, motivation, decreased the degree of anxious condition in PTSD. The results of study argue for a necessity of early detection PTSD after mild brain injury and inclusion of modern antioxidant and antianxiety drugs into combined therapy of the disease.

Keywords: post-traumatic stress disorder, brain injury, cognitive functions, anxious condition, Mexidolum.

Rehabilitation in stroke patients


The present article is devoted to the problems of the organization and carrying out of rehabilitation in post stroke patients. The features of stroke patient’s management with the help of multidisciplinary team are discussed. Main principles and rules of physical, psychotherapeutic and medication rehabilitation are reviewed.

Keywords: rehabilitation, stroke, multidisciplinary team, physical therapy, mexidol.