The Company “Vectorpharm” took part in the KOKStroke Education Program in Moscow

On January 21-22, 2015, the Educational Program of the Clinical & Educational Complex “Stroke” for specialists of multidisciplinary teams of Regional Vascular Centers (RVCs), Primary Vascular Departments (PVDs) and outpatient-polyclinic specialists was held in Moscow, based on State Budgetary Institution “Hospital for Veterans of Wars No. 3”. The Moscow City Health Department, Hospital for Veterans of Wars No. 3, All-Russian Public Organization for Promotion of Medical Rehabilitation “Union of Rehabilitologists of Russia” and LLC “International Innovation Center for Rehabilitation & Kinesitherapy” took part in organization and implementation of the program. Multidisciplinary program of the event included issues, related to diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with cerebral stroke. At the same time, the issues, raised at the event, on daily work of various specialists in vascular departments, were followed up additionally at practical seminars and master classes.

The event brought together about 200 specialists and took place with the participation of leading experts in this area from different regions of Russia: Chief Specialist of the Ministry of Healthcare of the RF on Medical Rehabilitation, Chairman of All-Russian Public Organization for the Promotion of Medical Rehabilitation “Union of Rehabilitologists of Russia” Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Ivanova Galina Evgenievna, Director of Research Institute of Cerebrovascular Pathology & Stroke (RI CVPS) of RNRMU named after N.I. Pirogov Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Stakhovskaya Lyudmila Vitalievna; Chief Specialist on Medical Rehabilitation of the Northwestern FD (Federal District) of the RF Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Melnikova Elena Valentinovna (the First St. Petersburg Medical University named after I.P. Pavlov), Chief Specialist of Ministry of Healthcare of the RF on Medical Rehabilitation of Ural Federal District of the RF, Chief Neurologist of Yekaterinburg, Director of Autonomous Noncommercial Organization “Clinical Institute of Brain”, Professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases & Neurosurgery of Ural State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences Belkin Andrey Avgustovich and representatives of other leading tertiary educational institutions and research institutions of Russia

Mexidol was presented as an antioxidant and antihypoxicant with a wide range of clinical effects, a pathogenetic component of therapy for acute cerebrovascular disorders. Real dosages of Mexidol in stroke therapy and need to prescribe Mexidol in stroke according to Standard for medical care in a cerebral infarction No. 1740n dated December 29, 2012 were disclosed.