Features of the patient management with traumatic brain injury



1Almazov National Medical Research Center, Ministry of Healthcare, St. Petersburg, Russia

2Polenov Russian Research Neurosurgical Institute — Branch Almazov National Medical Research Center, St. Petersburg, Russia

The aim of our study was to consider features of pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of traumatic brain injury (TBI) from the viewpoint of neurologist. The mechanisms of emerging injury of the central nervous system, including neuro-inflammation and oxidative stress in patients with TBI, and correlations between clinical manifestations and severity of TBI are discussed. Special attention is paid to the description of certain TBI consequences, e.g. structural drug-resistant epilepsy and post-traumatic stress disorder. We provide evidence for difficulties and lesser availability of rehabilitation programs to patients with TBI during COVID-19 pandemics. One should mention a need for administration of Mexidol as the antioxidant/antihypoxant drug into complex therapy of TBI in such patients. In the period of COVID-19 pandemics, the role of neurologist in management of TBI patients still increases, especially, at the outpatient treatment stage, and when carrying out therapy and medical rehabilitation programs. Keywords: traumatic brain injury, oxidative stress, structural drug-resistant epilepsy, posttraumatic stress disorder, SARS-CoV-2 infection, Mexidol.