Тhе neuroprotective therapy of outpatient treatment of chronic cerebral ischemia
Kazan, Municipal health саrе «City hospital №6»; Kazan State Medical University.
Objective. То perform а differential analysis of the efficacy of combination therapy bу the drugs with different modalities (mexidol, aescusan, halidorum) in outpatients with chronic cerebral ischemia (CCI), stages I-III. Material and methods. А study included 50 patients with CCI of atherosclerotic, hypertensive and mixed genesis (stage I-20, stage II-20, stage III-10 patients). In addition to somatic therapy, patients received three courses of mexidol, halidorum and aescusan combination therapy during 6 weeks with а 3 month interval between the courses. The changes in subjective complaints and objective clinical manifestations were evaluated after each course. Results and conclusion. The therapeutic efficacy after durable complex therapy bу repeated courses of antioxidants is supported bу the results of clinical and neurological examinations. Mexidol in the combination with aescusan and halidorum contributed to the improvement of cognitive, adaptive, motor functions of the patients with CCI, stages I and II. То increase treatment efficacy in patients with CCI, stage III, we recommend to use the drugs that improve cognitive functions of the patients.
Keywords: chronic cerebral ischemia, mexidol, combination therapy.