Improvement of the efficacy of treatment of hypertensive encephalohathy by using mexidol
Kuban State Medical University under the Health Care Ministry of the Russia, Krasnodar, Russia; Reserch Institute – Territorial Clinical Hospital №1 med after Professor S.V. Ochapovski under the Health Ministry of the Russia, Krasnodar, Russia.
Objective. To assess the efficacy and tolerability of mexidol used to improve cognitive impairment in patients with hypertension and clinical manifestations of chronic cerebral circulatory insufficiency. Material and methods. Forty-two patients with chronic cerebral circulatory insufficiency and cognitive impairment were examined. MMSE, МоСА and the clock drawing test were used to assess neuropsychological status. The Morisky-Green test was administered to evaluate medication adherence. Patients were stratified into two groups: patients of the first group (n=21) received standard treatment. Patients of the second group (n=21) received additionally mexidol in dose 200 mg (4 ml) in 100 ml of NaCl isotonic solution intravenously during 10 days and then in tablets (2 tablets 0,125 mg) twice a day during 8 weeks. Results. According to the 4-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS), 31% of respondents were not adherent to the treatment (MMAS score 0—2), 35.7% (n=15) of patients showed high adherence (MMAS score 4), 33.3% (n=14) demonstrated low adherence (MMAS score 3). The average score on the questionnaire was 2.85. In patients treated with mexidol, the absence of complaints increased by 3 times and headache regression increased by 90%. The improvement of memory, concentration and anxiety was observed in 50%, 55%, 67% of patients, respectively. Patients treated with mexidol demonstrated more significant changes during the clock drawing test. The average change in the scores increased by 0.95 compared to the control group, where the changes were 0.54 (p<0.02). The positive dynamics on MMSE and МоСА was shown in the mexidol group that indicated the positive effect of this drug on cognitive symptoms. Conclusion. The positive impact on cognitive symptoms and health in patients with chronic cerebral circulatory insufficiency allows to recommend mexidol as add-on to standard treatment of the main disease.
Keyword: mexidol, cognitive impairment, adherence.